History of development

The Ministry of Mining ordered the establishment of The Central Coke Workshops in Zabrze Biskupice. In 1951 the Workshops were transferred to Blachownia near Kędzierzyn. The plant was situated on the area of German synthetic fuel plant, ruined during The Second World War. Initially, the plant was a workshop and spare parts manufacturer for the coke industry and metallurgy.
In 1963 the Plant was assigned under the management of The Ministry of Chemical Industry and its name changed to – The Central Workshops of Chemical Industry. The production profile was changed towards manufacturing and repairing of machinery and equipment, mainly for nitrogen industry.

The Plant was incorporated into The Federation of Chemical Machinery Construction and Repair and its name changed to The Works of Chemical Machinery Construction and Repair METALCHEM.
The Plant began to develop production of apparatus and equipment for chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industry (heat exchangers, reactors, pressure tanks, mixers, dryers, filters). In 1971 The Plant changed its name to The Chemical Machinery Works METALCHEM.

On 19.11.1990 The Ministry of Proprietary Transformations transformed a state-owned enterprise into a one-person company of the Treasury. The company`s name changed to FAMET Process Equipment and Machinery, Inc.
In 1991 through the public tender, company's crew acquired over 90% of FAMET shares. FAMET was one of the first privatized state enterprises in Poland.

In 1996 FAMET purchased property after failed Mechanical Works in Jędrzejów. During this time failed Works created a place to live as a limited liability company – Mechanical Plant BIFAMET. Going into the structure of FAMET GROUP, BIFAMET began production of parts and components for road construction machinery.

In 1998, another production company within FAMET GROUP was established, its name is Chemical Equipment Plant CHEMOMET, Ltd. It was established as a result of purchasing the liabilities of insolvent plant in Kępno by FAMET.
Successively making a further equity investment FAMET company rebuilt the productive potential of insolvent businesses, preparing the new company to carry out production tasks in the new structure of FAMET GROUP. CHEMOMET as a producing company specializes in the design, manufacture and delivery of apparatus and industrial equipment.

W 2002 roku FAMET poszerzył kadrę Biura Inżynierskiego zatrudniając 17 doświadczonych projektantów z branży energetycznej, pracujących wcześniej w Zakładach Urządzeń Przemysłowych w Nysie, które ogłosiły upadłość.
Początkowo Biuro Inżynierskie mieściło się na terenie byłego ZUPu, aby w 2008 roku po zakupie przez FAMET S.A. biurowca przy ul. Podolskiej 2 w Nysie przenieść się do nowej lokalizacji. Aktualnie Biuro Inżynierskie zlokalizowane jest w trzech miejscach: w siedzibie głównej w Kędzierzynie-Koźlu oraz oddziałach zamiejscowych: w Nysie i Opolu na terenie Zakładu Produkcyjnego nr 4.

Cooperation between FAMET and METCHEM-ENERGO company managing APC METALCHEM property increases in the production of large-scale construction of industrial facilities.
In November 2003, FAMET bought 100% shares in the METCHEM-ENERGO company purchased property from the Industrial Development Agency and subsequently had been buying APC METALCHEM property. As a result of these activities a new company was established which after entering FAMET GROUP, unifying within its structure took on the name – ENERGOMET Process Equipment and Machinery, Ltd.
The new company specializes in manufacturing of large-size industrial equipment.

In 2006, FAMET purchased METALCHEM property of the fallen company with limited liability in Annopol. Based on Mechanical Plant BIFAMET in Jędrzejów property bought, increasing its activities and developing the production capacities, FAMET established non-resident Manufacturing Plant No 2. This Plant has developed primarily production of components for wind power plants.

There have been made changes to the organizational structure of FAMET GROUP on 12th of September 2012. Previously separate production companies: ZM "BIFAMET", FACh "CHEMOMET", FAiU "ENERGOMET" were merged into the parent company as a Manufacturing Plants, respectively:
- Manufacturing Plant no 2 in Jędrzejów
- Manufacturing Plant no 5 in Annopol
- Manufacturing Plant no 3 in Kępno
- Manufacturing Plant no 4 in Opole.